If you need support, please contact Nate Collins, collinna@rossier.usc.edu


The mission of the USC Rossier School of Education (pronounced “ross-EAR”) is to prepare leaders to achieve educational equity through practice, research and policy. We work to improve learning opportunities and outcomes in urban settings and to address disparities that affect historically marginalized groups. We teach our students to value and respect the cultural context of the communities in which they work and to interrogate the systems of power that shape policies and practices. Through innovative thinking and research, we strive to solve the most intractable educational problems.

Rossier Faculty Affairs Contact and Support

Lawrence O. Picus
Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Affairs
Professor of Education Finance and Policy
Email: lpicus@rossier.usc.edu

Michael ONeill
Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
Email: oneillmi@rossier.usc.edu

Destini Felix
Senior Faculty Affairs Coordinator
Email: destinif@rossier.usc.edu 

Nate Collins
Faculty Affairs Coordinator
Email: collinna@rossier.usc.edu