The SPT committee will consist of 12 faculty members; five RTPC, five tenured committee members and two co-chairs one RTPC faculty member representing RTPC faculty and one tenured professor representing Tenure/Tenure Track faculty. This representation will enable a balanced discussion and voting on SPT policies and procedures.

All SPT members vote on promotion of RTPC faculty as is the current University policy per the Faculty Handbook. Only those holding the rank or higher for which the promotion is being considered would be eligible to review RTPC dossiers and vote on promotion recommendations. All SPT Sub-Committees for RTPC Promotions must consist of one tenured and two RTPC faculty (holding the rank or higher for which the promotion is being considered).

For tenure promotions (to associate professor with tenure and to full professor with tenure) all tenured members of Rossier’s faculty holding the rank or higher for which the promotion is being considered (not just the five tenured members of SPT) would be asked to participate in review of dossiers for promotions of Tenure/Tenure Track faculty and would vote on the promotion. Meetings to discuss dossiers for promotions to associate professor with tenure and to full professor with tenure will be held as individual meetings without RTPC representation.


Dr. Julie Marsh – Tenure Co-Chair
Dr. Tracy Tambascia – RTPC Co-Chair

Dr. Adrianna Kezar
Dr. Erika Patall
Dr. Morgan Polikoff
Dr. Julie Posselt
Dr. Larry Picus (ex-officio)
Dr. Brendesha Tynes

Dr. Mary Andres
Dr. Monique Datta
Dr. Kim Hirabayashi
Dr. Courtney Malloy
Dr. Artineh Samkian

Nathaniel Collins
Destini Felix
Dr. Michael ONeill