USC’s Disability and Services Programs has an information page for faculty on how to work with students who need accommodations at The site includes a FAQ:

  1. A student gave me an accommodation letter, what should I do? Please review the details in the accommodation letter and discuss with the student, in a confidential manner, how you intend to provide the approved accommodations.
  2. What are my responsibilities when I have a student with a disability in my class? Your primary responsibility is to respond to and provide the accommodations as outlined in the accommodation letter, provide a welcoming environment, and maintain confidentiality.
  3. What if I am concerned about an approved accommodation? Please contact Disability Services and Programs and speak with a DSP Professional Staff Member at (213) 740-0776.
  4. What do I do if a student requests a note-taker in my class? As a professor, you can provide the student with your lecture notes, have a TA provide notes, or make an anonymous announcement to the class requesting a note-taker. If you make an anonymous general announcement in your course and elect to email the class roster, please state the following: “There is a student in the course with a disability (do not mention the student’s name).  Because of the student’s disability, the student is in need of a note-taker.  Would someone please volunteer to share his or her notes with this student for the semester?  It would be of great value and assistance to the student.  If willing, please see me after class.  Then, email DSP Note Taking at  In general, note takers receive a token of appreciation at the end of the semester on their USCard.  The amount can be up to $100.  This amount is not guaranteed as it is dependent on various factors (i.e. quality of notes, frequency of uploads, etc.).”Please continue announcing the need for a note-taker until one is secured.  If a student does not immediately volunteer, you may approach a student and request his or her note-taking assistance.  In the past, some professors have provided a few points of extra credit to note-takers.  Please consider if this may be a possibility for your class.
  5. How far in advance must students with disabilities inform an instructor about needed accommodations? DSP advises students to provide instructors with accommodation letters as early in the semester as possible.  If requesting testing accommodations, at least two weeks prior to the exam.
